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Tag Archives: Kubernetes
Some assembly required
In some-assembly-required we discuss how you can build Docker containers which run on different target hardware architectures.
Playing with Istio
Istio is a Service Mesh, a network of containerized applications working together to discover, measure, manage, load balance monitor and possibly recover your application.
Terraform K8S cluster creation
When we started with Kubernetes we followed a step-by-step approach. Your devcsecops pipelines will need a more industrial strength approach, like Terraform.
Lifting Kubernetes up to the cloud
Our laptop environment is great for simple experiments, but at some point we’ll need to run in the cloud. In the post we’ll migrate to Google Cloud Platform.
Getting started with Kubernetes
Getting started with Kubernetes has never been easier than it is today. You can start being productive as early as day 1.
Simple micro service in Go
Create a simple microservice in Go for use in our Kubernetes cluster.